Trends Report

An S&R Pro's Guide To Security To, In, And From The Cloud

Embrace Cloud As Part Of The Shift To Business Technology

December 31st, 2013
With contributors:
Eve Maler , Ed Ferrara , Christopher McClean , James Staten , Jennie Duong


As organizations rapidly adopt cloud-based infrastructure, platform, and application services, cloud security continues to be a major concern. Now, security and risk professionals need to provide a way of securely connecting to cloud services and infrastructure (security to the cloud); they need to validate the security posture of their cloud providers' environment (security in the cloud); and they need to apply effective controls for on-premises applications using cloud services (security from the cloud). And because empowered business owners can procure their own services without IT's involvement, it's critical that you build strong relationships with the business to ensure they consult you during cloud service procurement decisions and negotiations. This report explains the process and technology challenges as well as best practices for implementing security to, in, and from in the cloud.

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