Trends Report

Service App Stores Will Reshape Corporate Tech Management

Empowered Employees And The Need For Cost Transparency Will Drive Service App Stores

July 24th, 2014
Stefan Ried, Ph.D., null
Stefan Ried, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Pascal Matzke , Enza Iannopollo , Eveline Oehrlich , Dave Bartoletti


App stores are the embodiment of public cloud services ranging from consumerized mobile apps to software- and infrastructure-as-a-service in the enterprise context. But, private clouds and software distribution to corporate devices is still cumbersome. As part of their BT agenda, CIOs will have to ensure a coherent, end-to-end self-service experience across all types of users, assets, and deployment targets. In this document, we outline how changing demand characteristics and the need for better cost transparency give way to the service app store. We provide an overview of the technologies currently available to CIOs and describe a road map for shaping the appropriate app store strategy as part of the BT agenda.

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