Case Study

Case Study: How Mercedes-Benz USA Fosters Customer Centricity Among All Employees

January 1st, 2018
Samuel Stern, null
Samuel Stern
With contributors:
Michael E. Gazala , Dylan Czarnecki


In 2011, Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA) embarked on a customer experience (CX) transformation to align the quality of its customer interactions with the promise inherent in its tagline: “The Best Or Nothing.” Along the way, the team at MBUSA learned important lessons about how to ensure customer obsession and deliver superior customer experiences. Their story serves as a case study for CX professionals at other companies who face the challenge of synchronizing all the players and processes in their customer experience ecosystems. This report describes how MBUSA transformed its culture to become customer obsessed, how its dealers engaged their employees to deliver better experiences, and some of the tools and programs used to drive CX improvements.

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Forrester helps business and technology leaders use customer obsession to accelerate growth. That means empowering you to put the customer at the center of everything you do: your leadership strategy, and operations. Becoming a customer-obsessed organization requires change — it requires being bold. We give business and technology leaders the confidence to put bold into action, shaping and guiding how to navigate today's unprecedented change in order to succeed.