Trends Report

The Sales Enablement Execution Landscape

A Framework To Organize Sales Enablement Suppliers And Solutions

September 4th, 2014
Scott Santucci, null
Scott Santucci
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Lori Wizdo , Peter O'Neill , Michael Shrum , Katherine Shao


Sales enablement professionals — and their partners in sales, marketing, training, and product groups — are under constant pressure to deliver greater impact in their support of sales conversations with executives. And suppliers, eager to help, are knocking on the door with increasing frequency, calling on anyone who might be a decision-maker, and bearing a perceived "silver bullet" solution for the problem at hand. The challenge for the sales enablement professional: Those silver bullets are cropping up everywhere, but they are uncoordinated and lack a clear business purpose. This report helps sales enablement pros make informed decisions about their supplier ecosystem by providing a common set of business goals to categorize suppliers and better understand how the landscape of capabilities fits together.

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