Trends Report

How To Manage APIs For Customer Engagement

APIs Need More Than API Management

April 18th, 2014
Randy Heffner, null
Randy Heffner
With contributors:
Christopher Mines , Eve Maler , David Murphy


Application programming interfaces (APIs) are central to any organization's software strategy to win, retain, and serve customers. As a result, development leaders are scrutinizing API management tools to help create and maintain these essential software resources. As important as API management products are, they address at most one-third of what's needed for successful API-based customer engagement. In addition, APIs need strong life cycles and runtime management: To deliver the right APIs with a high quality of service, AD&D leaders institute a well-managed API delivery life cycle and comprehensive production monitoring and management. This report describes why API management products are important but not sufficient for the task and provides strategy guidance concerning why, when, and how to build comprehensive management into your platform for API delivery.

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