Trends Report

How APIs Reframe Business Strategy

Craft An API Strategy To Enable Digital Business Transformation

June 1st, 2015
Randy Heffner, null
Randy Heffner
With contributors:
Christopher Mines , Nigel Fenwick , Derek Nahabedian


Mobile apps and customer engagement are major drivers for APIs, but there is a more strategic and pervasive reality that should infuse an organization's API strategy and thinking: Done right, APIs can open new angles into business strategy. APIs allow an enterprise to go beyond its traditional offerings to pursue new markets and customers by creating new products and services from its assets, data, or processes. APIs can also create new go-to-market strategies and new value for existing offerings, such as targeting customers through influencers rather than targeting customers directly. For application development and delivery (AD&D) pros, the challenge is to craft an API strategy that frames why, how, and when APIs enable these types of business strategy shifts. This report describes how APIs can change business strategy possibilities, thought models for new kinds of business brainstorming, and how to ensure your API strategy is ready for digital business disruption and transformation.

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