Trends Report

Mobile Messaging Fails Customers Today

A Technographics® 360 Report: Using Behavioral Tracking And Survey Data

May 23rd, 2016
Nicole Dvorak, null
Nicole Dvorak
Julie Ask, null
Julie Ask
With contributors:
Reineke Reitsma , Theresa Pappafotopoulos , Xiaotong Duan , Rachel Birrell


Despite preceding most mobile technologies, mobile messaging is evolving rapidly. Simple text messages may seem obsolete, but combined with contextual data, they provide a new opportunity for digital business professionals to communicate with customers. Most consumers receive some type of notification, but nine in 10 have opted out when notifications were not timely or contextual. This report highlights important customer insights on mobile messaging and complements Forrester's recently published report, "Mobile Messaging: Catalyst And Core Channel For Commerce."

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