Forecast Report

Worldwide PC Adoption Forecast, 2007 To 2015

It's Time To Focus On Emerging Markets For Future Growth

June 11th, 2007
Simon Yates, null
Simon Yates
With contributors:
J. P. Gownder , Rachel Batiancila , Ellen Daley , Benjamin Gray


Forrester's 2007 worldwide PC adoption forecast shows that there will be more than a billion PCs in use by the end of 2008 and more than 2 billion by 2015 — a 12.3% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2003 and 2015. It took more than a quarter of a century to reach the first billion users, but with advancing technology, lower prices, and global demand for a technology-aware population, it will take only seven years to reach the next billion. Today, efforts like the Intel World Ahead Program, Microsoft Unlimited Potential, and One Laptop per Child (OLPC) are the driving forces behind creating a market to include another billion and more. However, for PC technology suppliers, the biggest challenges will be scaling production with enough volume to drive down prices to meet affordability requirements, and effectively planning and executing in a market that no one really understands yet.

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