Trends Report

Contact Center Metrics Redefined

Traditional Metrics May Fall Short In Delivering Needed Information

September 2nd, 2007
Elizabeth Herrell
With contributors:
Simon Yates , Rachel Batiancila


Contact center operations professionals often rely on traditional metrics — such as average speed of answer and call handling times — to determine the effectiveness of their operations. While this information evaluates how well agents are performing, it does not provide information on the customer's behavior or experience during the call. Contact centers process a wealth of information on the customer experience, but this information is typically not captured and is often discarded. Contact center managers need to progress from passive compilation of call data to dynamic collection of actionable data on customer comments and behaviors to respond quickly to changing market conditions and improve customer satisfaction. Analytics focused on the customer allow managers to communicate findings to marketing, product support, and the service organization on a continuous basis to help better meet their business objectives and enrich the customer experience.

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