Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Governance, Risk, And Compliance Platforms, Q4 2011

As Leaders, BWise, MetricStream, IBM OpenPages, And RSA Archer Continue To Push The Envelope

November 30th, 2011
Christopher McClean, null
Christopher McClean
With contributors:


Innovation among top enterprise GRC platform vendors has kept up an impressive pace as vendors aim to stay one step ahead of their customers' own advancements in governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) programs. Of the 13 companies in Forrester's 59-criteria evaluation of enterprise GRC vendors, BWise, MetricStream, IBM OpenPages, and RSA Archer emerge as Leaders because of their strong vision of GRC value and ability to evolve quickly to address customers' changing needs. A large pack of Strong Performers follows this group — some right on their tail — with highly competitive products and leading capabilities in certain key areas. These include Mega, Thomson Reuters, Methodware, Compliance 360, Protiviti, SAP, ARC Logics, and SAS. Enablon is the lone vendor in the Contender category, with technical capabilities and vision enough to win deals against much more seasoned GRC competitors.

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