Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Multichannel Capture, Q3 2012

Vendors Move Toward Mature Service Offerings

August 15th, 2012
Alan Weintraub, null
Alan Weintraub
With contributors:
Leslie Owens , Julian Keenan


If you think capture and imaging is old technology, you're correct; it has been around for more than twenty years. But there are still a lot of paper-based processes out there, and Forrester clients still spend significant dollars on systems to support them. More importantly, capture extends beyond paper to email with PDFs, allowing for new inputs through mobile devices to handle increased volume from office and point-of-service locations. During the next five years, capture platforms will incorporate advanced analytics, mobile solutions, business process management (BPM) and case management, and stronger integration with enterprise production platforms. In Forrester's 18-criteria evaluation of capture vendors, we evaluated offerings from Brainware, EMC, IBM, Itesoft, Kofax, Notable Solutions, OpenText, and Top Image Systems.

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