Trends Report

The Rise Of The New Cloud Admin

And No, It's Not Your Virtualization Manager

February 21st, 2013
James Staten, null
James Staten
With contributors:
Christopher Voce , Dave Bartoletti , Jessica McKee , Heather Belanger


Nearly half of all enterprise IT shops claim to be prioritizing private cloud investments in 2013, but both in the largest enterprises and those firms that are most aggressively investing in public cloud platforms and services, it's not central IT that will lead these efforts. There is a new administrator rising from within the business units who doesn't see private clouds as a linear progression from server virtualization but instead as an extension of the public cloud. And the type of cloud he is building is very different than your current virtualized infrastructure. Who is this new administrator? How are his plans for cloud different from yours? And what the heck does he think he's doing? You'll meet three of them in this report.

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