Trends Report

Maximize Employee Value By Aligning With Customer Imperatives

May 9th, 2014
Paul D. Hamerman, null
Paul D. Hamerman
TJ Keitt, null
TJ Keitt
With contributors:
Holger Kisker, Ph.D. , David Murphy


Maximizing your workforce's value depends on increasing the level of employee engagement, linking employee productivity to positive customer outcomes, and instilling a culture of customer centricity. This report outlines how the three pillars — employee engagement, productivity/performance, and customer impact — work together to promote a business case for investing in your people and related employee-facing technologies. The technology context of this report includes the HRM applications as well as the broader set of workforce technologies (e.g., mobile, collaboration, content) that enable employee productivity for delivering business value. Applications development and delivery professionals, CIOs, and HR business professionals can collaboratively use this report to develop people strategies that increase employee engagement to drive business results.

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