Forecast Report

From The Archive: ForecastView: COVID-19 Retail Scenario Planner, April 2020 (Global)

ForecastView COVID-19 Global Retail Scenario Planner Models The COVID-19 Impact For North America, Asia, Europe, And Latin America

May 21st, 2020
Satish Meena, null
Satish Meena
Viraj D'Costa, null
Viraj D'Costa
Sanjeev Kumar, null
Sanjeev Kumar
With contributors:
Reineke Reitsma , Himank Joshi


Forrester has updated its retail forecasts across North America, Asia, Europe, and Latin America to model out the possible impact of COVID-19. Our scenario model shows that retail will be hit hard. In 2020, global retail sales will contract by 9.6%, while eCommerce sales will remain flat. This ForecastView document models out the impact of three scenarios for 15 countries and shows how COVID-19 might affect essential and nonessential retail sales, offline and online, for the next five years. Please note: This model and report were created based on the information available on April 15, 2020, about the economic impact of the coronavirus for the regions covered. We will revisit this model when further adjustments are necessary.

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