Trends Report

Case Study: PostNL Delivers On BYOD

Network Investments And VDI Adoption Enable Deployment

August 21st, 2012
Onica King, null
Onica King
With contributors:
Stephanie Balaouras , Christopher Voce


Talk about bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and most I&O professionals immediately think about access control for an onslaught of unauthorized devices, from laptops to smartphones to tablets. However, BYOD is more than just an add-on to the network to handle employee personal devices. It's about provisioning an anywhere, anytime workforce — a fact that PostNL, the primary mail and parcel post provider of the Netherlands, recognized as it strove to future-ready its end user device environment. To help I&O leaders address the BYOD dilemma, this case study highlights three best practices that PostNL exploited to successfully enable BYOD.

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