Trends Report

Digital Disruption Rattles The TV Ad Market

New Consumer Viewing Behaviors Force The Industry Into A New Future

April 16th, 2013
Jim Nail, null
Jim Nail
With contributors:
James McQuivey, PhD , Luca Paderni , Joanna O'Connell , Samantha Merlivat


Since its invention, TV has beaten back many challenges to retain its place as the king of the media plan. That won't change anytime soon, but the way advertisers plan and buy their campaigns will. This season's surprisingly low ratings have motivated even the major networks to adjust to a future of time-shifted and multiplatform viewing — one that challenges their grip on prime-time audiences. While TV networks try to defend an old business model, advertisers must increase their testing of the new targeting and planning options available for niche areas of ad inventory and prepare for a post-mass-audience world.

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