Power Sustainable Growth With Customer-Focused Revenue Transformation

Download our guide to learn how to align B2B marketing with the customer lifecycle using the Forrester Opportunity Lifecycle framework.

In today’s fast-paced B2B buyer landscape, a simple focus on revenue isn’t enough to ensure long-term growth because your buyers want value at every step of their journey (including after a purchase). Sustainable growth is best achieved when marketing, sales, and customer success teams reach beyond their revenue focus to deliver value across the buyer lifecycle.

Download this guide to learn how to drive growth with a holistic revenue process transformation that delivers value at every stage. Inside, you’ll discover the groundbreaking Forrester Opportunity Lifecycle framework and learn how it extends your revenue waterfall to encompass the entire customer lifecycle. Find out how it aligns teams with buyers’ processes, enabling you to work together seamlessly and seize every revenue opportunity that comes your way.

Bonus: Read a customer success story that reveals how one company realized a 20% increase in actionable sales pipeline with buying groups.

Download the guide to explore: 

  • The risks of overlooking customer lifecycle value in the revenue process.
  • Three surefire ways to infuse the buyer process with value.
  • The four essential tenets of successful revenue transformation crucial for long-term growth.

Find answers to these questions and more: 

  • How can B2B marketing leaders deliver value across presale, pipeline, and postsale stages?
  • How can you elevate buyer understanding and shift the focus toward helping, not just selling?
  • How does the Forrester Opportunity Lifecycle framework amplify your revenue waterfall?

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