Presenting To The Board And Executive Leadership: Four Keys To Success

A Complimentary Forrester Webinar

Speaking to executives can be daunting, and may even feel like an ambush at times, but it doesn’t have to. By understanding their expectations, orientation, and needs, you can appeal to executives in a way that will not only position you as a business leader, but also gain the trust and credibility needed to garner support and resources to make your programs and initiatives successful.

Sales, marketing and product leaders often struggle to communicate effectively with senior executives’ Common mistakes include overcomplicating the message and failing to adapt the message to the situation and the executive’s preferences and interests Leaders who master speaking to executives can get faster approvals and elevate their personal brand.

Once you have a clear message to present, it is imperative to gain support prior to entering the actual meeting.

In this session, we’ll help presenters focus on what’s most important when updating your team regularly. Guide your audience down a path that is focused with four keys to success can help marketers tell the right story in the right way while avoiding common pitfalls that can derail the presentation.

Join Jennifer Rouse, Principal Analyst and Mona Lolas, B2B Solution Partner APJ where they will discuss:

  • How to make board presentations less intimidating by understanding the audience.
  • How to convey marketing’s true value
  • Learn how to tell the right story with the right metrics

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60 minutes
