Raising The Bar For Marketing And Sales Alignment

Watch the on-demand webinar to learn how to thrive in the age of disruption with marketing and sales alignment. 


It’s a fact: Buyers are in control, which has left many B2B marketers scrambling to find ways to move forward with customers at the center of their go-to-market approach.  

Everything you thought you knew about your buyers has shifted, from how they buy to the time it takes to make a purchase decision. And now, persistent economic shock creates more friction in your transactions with them. 

Watch the on-demand webinar to learn how to thrive in today’s new B2B marketing landscape with the alignment of sales and marketing on customer obsession. 

Discover the importance of integrating people, processes, technology, and insights to enable buyers – and achieve commercial success. 

Our analysts will walk you through research that reveals the benefits of aligned sales and marketing action – and how a customer-obsessed growth engine can give CMOs confidence in their ability to drive growth, revenue – and business value. 

Watch the webinar so you can learn: 

  • Why marketing and sales alignment is crucial in today’s climate.  
  • Surprising facts about self-guided purchasing and how to enable buyers while using digital buying signals. 
  • New trends for tackling today’s buying journeys, technology, organizational design, and selling scenarios.  
  • The role of alignment in creating a customer-obsessed growth engine. 

Featured Analysts

Watch this on-demand webinar.

45 minutes

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