Put Your Customers At The Center Of Your IT Operating Model

A Complimentary Forrester Webinar 

Dynamic customer demand is changing how your organization goes to market. At the same time, explosive tech innovation offers all kinds of new operational possibilities.

Now is the time to reimagine your IT operating model, not with a traditional focus on people, process, and technology but by asking the question that matters more than any other: “Does our IT operating model deliver maximum customer value?”

Watch this webinar to discover why now is the right time to step back, assess your entire IT operating model, and create a new one that puts customers first.

You’ll learn:

  • How and why to take an “outside-in” approach to your operating model design. 
  • Customer-driven requirements, and other hallmarks of a customer-obsessed operating model. 
  • The tangible operating and business benefits of putting customers first in your IT model. 

Tech is driving your entire organization into the future. If your IT operating model doesn’t put customers first, neither can the organization. Attend this webinar. Learn how to center IT around customer needs. 

Complete the form to watch this on-demand webinar

45 minutes
