CX Summit

CX, B2C Marketing, & Digital Business Leaders

June 24 – 26, 2024  |  London & Digital

Ben Pintilie

Technical Enablement Manager, RingCentral

Ben has spent most of his life working in the telecommunications industry and has seen many changes over the last 25 years. Having had experience installing and repairing telephone lines and systems, he understands the importance of a highly reliable communications system from a customer’s perspective. Ben has also worked extensively in the contact center environment, understanding the needs of a business to leverage and optimize all the tools and personnel they have available to them currently. At RingCentral, Ben has worked in our Customer Experience organization, supporting national and global enterprise customers. His Can-Do attitude meant he could work across multiple teams and departments during the Covid 19 crisis to help bring on board and support the UK’s NHS Covid19 Test and Trace contact center solution. Today, Ben is a Technical Enablement Manager for EMEA, Training, Supporting, and Mentoring the current as well as the next generation of RingCentral Support and TAM Teams.