B2B Summit
North America

May 2 – 4, 2022  |  Austin & Digital Experience

Bill Mills

Manager, Sales Enablement, Thomson Reuters

Bill is a 30+ year leader in learning design and development. He has worked in consulting as well as corporate settings in HR, Sales Enablement, and Operations always tied to digital learning design, development and deployment. Early in his career we has part of the launch of AICC interoperability standards to be followed by SCORM. He has always lead the way, first using Windows based development tools, the move of content delivery to the internet, migration to and then away from platforms like Flash. Lately he has been leveraging platforms that can deliver on the promise of LXP, real Performance Support and now Sales Readiness. He is excited about the current state of learning technology. We can tie real behavior change to our efforts, which translates to value to the C Suite, and Wall Street.