& Risk

November 8 – 9, 2022  |  Washington, D.C. & Digital Experience

Pam Snively

Chief Data & Trust Officer, TELUS

Pamela Snively is the Chief Data & Trust Officer at TELUS. She leads the team responsible for privacy governance and data ethics, along with data management and a number of compliance functions, including the Anti-bribery & Corruption and Competition Law programs. Pam approaches overall data governance through the lens of customer trust, leveraging TELUS’ Customer First principle to drive the organization’s commitment to privacy and data ethics.

Pam is a lawyer but has dedicated most of her career to developing and operationalizing privacy best practices, either as a consultant or in-house. Under Pam’s leadership, TELUS has significantly transformed its approach to transparency about its data handling practices. This has included a refresh of the TELUS Privacy Centre to include layered information on TELUS’ data management practices, as well as some best practices to help our customers protect their information. Pam has also published the framework for her privacy management program online, encouraging TELUS’ customers to more fully understand what responsible private sector organizations do to protect privacy.

Pam is a frequent speaker on privacy and data ethics and she actively encourages other organizations to join her in her mission to earn and elevate consumer trust in our digital ecosystem.