CX Summit
North America

CX, B2C Marketing, & Digital Business Leaders

June 17 – 20, 2024  |  Nashville & Digital

Reed Smith

Ardent Health, Chief Consumer Officer

Smith currently serves at the Chief Consumer Officer of Ardent Health and has spent over 20 years in healthcare first as a hospital marketing director, then overseeing product development for the Texas Hospital Association, and finally as a strategist working with some of the world’s largest healthcare brands and providers. Smith brings a unique perspective thanks to his pre-healthcare days working in both telecommunications and professional sports.

In addition to founding the Social Health Institute, he is a founding advisory board member for both the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, and the health & wellness track at the SXSW® Interactive Festival. Outside of his day job, you can find Smith behind the mic with co-host Chris Boyer on the touch point podcast, a weekly show about consumer experience and digital in healthcare.

A graduate of Texas Tech University, Smith holds an MBA from LeTourneau University and most recently, in the fall of 2020, Smith was inducted into the Health Internet Hall-of-Fame as that year’s most innovative individual.