Technology & Innovation EMEA

October 12 – 13, 2023  |  London & Digital


If you’re ready to leverage emerging technology to break away from digital sameness and help your business win and attract more customers, you’re ready for Technology & Innovation EMEA 2023. You’ll discover, first-hand, how Forrester’s bold vision and unique, customer-first approach will empower you to reorient your technology strategies around the needs of the people you serve. Through immersive experiences you’ll gain invaluable insights and actionable advice to modernize your strategy, tech stack and organization to help you drive better business results.

Join us for Technology & Innovation EMEA 2023 and experience:

  • More than 25 role-based sessions aligned to your priorities
  • Numerous session formats to meet your learning style including analyst presentations, panel discussions, fireside chats, and more
  • Marketplace opportunities to help you find the right solution provider for your marketing, sales, and product needs
  • Networking opportunities to help you expand your community, meet with Forrester analysts, and connect with peers facing similar challenges

Key Topics

  • Value-driven technology strategy
  • Emerging technologies and innovation
  • High-performance leadership
  • Future-fit strategic planning
  • Culture energy
  • Automation
  • Platforms and infrastructure
  • Enterprise architecture
  • Cloud-native services and platforms
  • Privacy tech innovations
  • Data and analytics

Track Themes

Drive Growth With Customer Obsession
In times of continual uncertainty and change companies must navigate a complex environment with shifting market dynamics, empowered digital consumers, and business buyers who are hungry for new things. Outdated, short-term growth strategies that focus on simply extracting value from customers will fail. This track will explore the key steps Tech Executives need to take now to align internal operations that fuel a customer-obsessed growth engine designed to grow revenue, profit, and customer retention efficiently and consistently. In particular, we will outline how Tech Executives will center their strategy on customer value, architecture and application teams must deliver with speed and creativity, and security teams must protect the brand — all while working in lockstep with the aligned priorities of customer-facing teams like marketing, sales, and customer experience to drive growth.

Lead Through Sustainability And Resilience
Organizations are prioritizing more than just their bottom-line profit motive and are considering the impact their operations have on the environment and how environmental changes impact the resilience of their operations. Join this track to learn about how building environmental sustainability into your technology organization can become a competitive advantage for your business, increase business resilience, reduce the environmental impact of your business, and help you win and retain customers.

Adapt By Overcoming Silos And Nurturing Talent
As companies seek to improve business results and become adaptive and resilient to the tumultuous market, they must leverage technology as a key enabler for change. However, just leveraging technology won’t cut it. To enable sustainable growth, companies must also break their own silos and collaborate for success. Throughout this track, we’ll explore how to overcome silos for higher effectiveness and sustainable growth. There is also a lot to learn from Gen Z as they are natural born silo breakers.

Accelerate With Modern Software And Cloud
Building engaging digital experiences and modern software as an expression of business processes, policies, and practices that align with continual change. Moving from static application silos towards distributed micro-services and platform-oriented business apps, which run on cloud and/or on edge, is a key first step along the journey. Artificial Intelligence meanwhile evolves to become a disruptive force to help companies move faster. Join this track to learn more about the latest and greatest modern transformation tools and gain insights into the best practices from leading players across different industries.

Differentiate With Emerging Technology And Innovation
Emerging technologies have been reshaping how companies do business, and what digital experiences they deliver to their customers (business and consumer alike). Companies are also keen to innovate, in order not to be left behind in what’s become an ever faster-moving environment. At the same time, innovation doesn’t have to revolve around emerging tech. And of course, any new technology immediately starts building up tech debt. In this track, we aim to help attendees navigate this evolving technology landscape and provide guidance on how to separate marketing promises and vaporware from technologies that can deliver true value.

Who Should Attend

Buyers and sellers are more demanding than ever. Anticipate your customers’ needs while strengthening your brand and growing your business with our help. Whether you are the CIO, a C-level leader, a VP of a digital team, or an operational leader with an interest in how technology and innovation impact business growth, Technology & Innovation EMEA will boost your knowledge and confidence enabling you to drive your organizations digital transformation.

One Event Fits All Sizes
Whether you work at a large or emerging company, Forrester’s research can help. Over 40% of our attendees are from companies with over 10,000 employees.

Our Delegates Generate Income on Any Scale
Technology leaders, innovators, and business and strategy leaders keep their eyes on the dollar sign. Over 60% of our attendees come from companies who have yearly revenues of over $2 billion dollars each year.

Our Delegates Serve Multiple Industries
Hear from leaders in your industry and learn the tactics they are deploying to thrive in a changing buyer market. Most of our attendees come from Technology, Architecture & Delivery, Product Management, and Customer Experience

Our Delegates Are Leaders
Over 65% of delegates are top decision makers holding Director, VP, or C-Level roles. An additional 25% of attendees are decision influencers. We have tailored sessions that equip you with the tools you need when approaching key pivotal decisions.

Our Delegates Are Global
Your priorities vary based on your region. At Technology & Innovation EMEA, we focus our content on trending topics seen across the EMEA region.