Trends Report

Trend: Consumers Will Expect Brands To Anticipate Their Needs And Act On Their Behalf

August 21st, 2020
Julie Ask, null
Julie Ask
Michael Facemire, null
Michael Facemire


Forrester is covering the key technology trends that CIOs should be attuned to in 2020, including brands anticipating and acting on behalf of customer needs. Too many digital experiences resemble kitchen sinks. The global pandemic is exacerbating the clutter as brands are forced to automate and then offer digital access to a long tail of services. In the next leap forward, brands will use natural language to mitigate the need for complex navigation or search in cluttered digital experiences. They will anticipate the needs of their best customers, evolving over time from assistants making smart suggestions to agents taking action. Both anticipating and delivering these services will depend on five key emerging technologies. CIOs: Assemble the enabling technology required to anticipate the needs of your customers; focus on process automation, as customers will still want digital services even if they don’t come to your website or mobile app to use them; and build your path to execution, figuring out your strategy to watch consumers in near real time and act when they need help. And schedule an inquiry for further advice and information.

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