Predictions Report

Predictions 2016: Local Firms Take The Lead In Asia Pacific

Multinationals' Myopia Creates CX Opportunity For Regional Firms Based On Three Factors

November 4th, 2015
Ryan Hart, null
Ryan Hart
Thomas McCann, null
Thomas McCann
With contributors:
Frederic Giron , Harley Manning , Michael Barnes , Flora Zhang , Erna Esa , Bill Nagel


In 2016, companies in Asia Pacific (AP) will have opportunities to grab market share from multinational corporations (MNCs) that have failed to localize their customer experience (CX) and relied too much on their global brand equity. AP firms will increase their uptake of human-centered design, galvanize around CX leadership, and make voice of the customer support more available. This brief examines how these three factors will play out and shows CX professionals in AP how to make the most of this opportunity.

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