Trends Report

Understanding The US Video Game Player

It's Not As Simple As Focusing On Young Men

January 25th, 2008
TJ Keitt, null
TJ Keitt
Paul Jackson
With contributors:
April Lawson , Ellen Daley


Video gaming is mainstream — today, 37% of US consumers report that they play video games. These gamers are not just young men but include Baby Boomers and women. Women constitute 49% of gamers, with Younger Boomers and Older Boomers representing 19% and 13% of the gaming population, respectively. Women are also playing more games on mobile devices. In order to capitalize on these groups of gamers, video game publishers and retailers need to change their messaging to appeal to these groups: Retailers need to design their stores and Web sites to highlight the games that women enjoy, mobile providers need to make it clear to women that they have gaming content for them, and game downloading sites need to focus their advertising on women and Baby Boomers.

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