Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Sales Force Management, Q4 2008

Our Evaluation Uncovers Several Leaders That Suit A Variety Of Sales Needs

October 3rd, 2008
Pete Marston
With contributors:
Sharyn Leaver , William Band


Forrester evaluated leading sales management solutions against 214 criteria and three scenarios: 1) multichannel sales force management; 2) direct sales force management; and 3) indirect sales force management. Our analysis identified seven Leaders in multichannel sales management, nine sales force automation (SFA) vendors that lead in direct sales force management, and four partner relationship management (PRM) vendors that lead in indirect sales channel management. The Leaders overall, for all three role scenarios, were Oracle Siebel, Oracle CRM On Demand, salesforce.com, and SAP CRM 2007, with Entellium, Microsoft, NetSuite, RightNow, and CDC Software's Saratoga CRM also earning Leader honors in SFA. The Strong Performers group was headlined by Oracle E-Business Suite CRM, Oracle PeopleSoft CRM, and Consona's Onyx for all three role scenarios. Additional Strong Performers were FrontRange GoldMine, Infor CRM Epiphany, Maximizer CRM, CDC Software's Pivotal CRM, Sage SalesLogix, SageCRM, Selligent, and SugarCRM for SFA, and BLUEROADS and Click Commerce for PRM.

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