Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Agile Development Management Tools, Q2 2010

Atlassian, CollabNet, IBM, Microsoft, MKS, And Rally Lead The Pack

May 5th, 2010
Jeffrey Hammond, null
Jeffrey Hammond
Dave West, null
Dave West
With contributors:
Mike Gilpin , David D'Silva


In Forrester's evaluation of Agile development management (ADM) tool vendors, we found that IBM and MKS led the pack with the best overall current feature sets. Atlassian, CollabNet, and Microsoft are also Leaders with capable products and aggressive strategies that will result in significant product improvements in 2010 and beyond. Rally Software Development is also a category Leader; it offers the best current balance of product capability and strategic outlook. HP, Serena Software, and VersionOne are Strong Performers offering competitive options. In the case of HP and Serena, their products are new introductions to the market and should improve as the vendors mature and gain customers. VersionOne is a stalwart in the Agile space that offers excellent planning capabilities but is less flexible than other products when it comes to reporting and integration with application life-cycle management (ALM) tools. And while the solution recently acquired by Micro Focus appeals to client-server and legacy developers, Micro Focus must clarify its future strategy for ADM before it can move into a leadership position.

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