Best Practice Report

How To Participate In ICT Spending Plans Of Economic Stimulus Packages

Tech Vendors Need To Offer A Holistic Vision To Policymakers

May 20th, 2009
With contributor:


Investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) is an important element of many economic stimulus packages around the globe. In particular, the new US administration strives to leverage the crucial role of ICT for a smart economic recovery. Of course, tech vendors are eager to take advantage of the increase in government investments in ICT but often find it difficult to formulate a compelling value proposition for policymakers and government decision-makers. Underlying the challenge is the fact that policy stakeholders don't react to traditional benefit statements like technology innovation, operational efficiencies, or process quality. In order to win over the hearts and minds of policymakers, vendor strategists need to realign their messaging and positioning with the needs of their target audience. What is required is a more holistic vision of how ICT can help governments tackling socioeconomic challenges like economic recovery, aging populations, public healthcare, public security, and education.

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