Predictions Report

2011 Customer Experience Predictions

What Customer Experience Professionals Need To Know About The Year Ahead

January 14th, 2011
Kerry Bodine, null
Kerry Bodine
With contributors:
Harley Manning , Megan Burns , Vidya Drego , Paul Hagen , Moira Dorsey , Belle Bocal


In 2011, the customer experience ecosystem will expand to include a dizzying array of new devices, touchpoints, and physical interactions. The breadth of this emerging ecosystem and the number of consumers engaged at each touchpoint will have significant influence on the daily workings of most organizations — and on the customer experience transformation firms, design agencies, and technology vendors that they call on for help. Customer experience professionals will find the year ahead to be a challenging one, but they can help ensure success by continuing to focus on the interactions that promise the biggest impact on their bottom line.

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