Trends Report

Game On: Drive Engagement With Service Management And Automation Simulations

December 11th, 2012
Eveline Oehrlich, null
Eveline Oehrlich
With contributors:
Laura Koetzle , Doug Washburn , Elizabeth Langer


Service management and automation (SMA) is a closed-loop control system that enables the design, development, maintenance, and adoption of services that support business teams in their capabilities to serve their customers. Sadly, SMA still gets too little attention to deliver on its full promise for the infrastructure and operations (I&O) organization. Thus, CIOs continuously challenge I&O leaders to justify investment in SMA initiatives and programs. I&O leaders can build business cases to justify SMA investments, but they often find it hard to quantify the productivity improvements that SMA delivers. Thus, I&O leaders looking to justify, re-establish, or advance an SMA program need another proof point. This report details how I&O pros can use gaming and simulations to engage a variety of stakeholders so that they can experience the benefits of SMA for themselves — in a risk-free environment.

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