Data Overview Report

2006 Enterprise Server Buyer Profile

Business Technographics® North America And Europe

February 8th, 2007
Frank Gillett, null
Frank Gillett
With contributors:
Eric Brown , Galen Schreck , Will McEnroe , Emily Van Metre


As part of our annual survey of enterprise IT infrastructure decision-makers, we asked a set of server-oriented questions about which servers, processors, and OSes they use; their use of and interest in server virtualization and grid computing; their likelihood of changing vendors; and their top server priorities. Among many things, we learned that they have bought from several server vendors in the past 12 months, that Windows is the top choice for their two most important server setups, that about two-thirds favor Intel for x86 server processors, and that they are enthusiastically embracing server virtualization but not grid computing.

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