Trends Report

2010 Forrester Groundswell Awards Winners Offer B2B Marketers Valuable Social Media Lessons

March 2nd, 2011
Peter Burris, null
Peter Burris
With contributors:
Eric Hsieh , Zachary Reiss-Davis


B2B marketers continue to stretch the capabilities of social media tools as they find new ways to interactively market to business buyers. Marketers submitted their most successful programs as best practice examples that you can use to advance your own marketing initiatives as they relate to the following areas: Listen to what your customers are saying online using tools like listening platforms; talk to your customers; energize your customers on online communities and forums and with virtual events; support your customers with support forums and discussion groups; enable your customers to spread your ideas; and embrace the ideas of your customers to drive innovation. This report surfaces the B2B winners and finalists from our fourth annual Forrester Groundswell Awards.

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