Best Practice Report

2012 IT Budget Planning Guide For CIOs

Insights From The Forrsights Budgets And Priorities Tracker Survey, Q2 2011

October 27th, 2011
Craig Symons, null
Craig Symons
With contributors:
Andrew Bartels , Khalid Kark , Mackenzie Cahill


IT budget benchmarks enable organizations to gauge their IT spending relative to their industry peers and provide a starting place to have meaningful discussions around the size and composition of their IT investments. To help CIOs defend their budget levels and/or build the case for increased IT spending, Forrester provides our annual IT budget benchmarks by industry, based on data from our global IT budget and spending surveys. This report provides a look at the 2011 IT budget benchmarks based on a survey conducted from March to May 2011. The results indicate continued budget restraint among CIOs with a focus on decreasing MOOSE (IT spending to maintain and operate the organization, systems, and equipment) in order to open opportunities for growth and new initiatives.

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