Benchmark Report

2023 Security Budgets And Priorities Benchmarks, Global

Customers, Internal Teams, And Increased Scrutiny Drive Security Budgets In The Following Year

February 16th, 2023
With contributors:
Stephanie Balaouras , Zachary Dallas , Peggy Dostie

Customer demands, lengthy requirements from cyber insurance providers, and regulatory oversight mean security budgets won’t be seeing spending cuts in 2023. With macroeconomic headwinds dominating earnings calls and downsizing happening across various sectors, cybersecurity remains one area where prior years’ momentum won’t screech to a halt like it will for others. CISOs will receive the budget they need and want (and should expect peers to try to attach some of their own budget needs to security budgets). This report provides a benchmark of current security budget benchmarks and explains how security leaders plan to spend their cybersecurity budgets in 2023.

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