Trends Report

A Framework For Multicampaign Attribution Measurement

A Framework For Measurement

February 19th, 2009
John Lovett
With contributors:
Lauren Jesuitus , Emily Riley , David Daniels , Emily Murphy


Multicampaign attribution has the capacity to demonstrate value from indirect revenue-generating initiatives and quantify their impact within the context of the overall marketing mix. According to 275 Web site decision-makers surveyed in 2008, a full 52% agree that attribution would enable them to spend marketing dollars more effectively. Yet only 31% are actively using attribution today, even though this concept is not new for marketers, who have long since appropriated credit to marketing endeavors in dubious ways. Now, the opportunity for a qualified attribution model exists. Given today's challenging economic times, attribution is critically important because so many organizations are questioning the value of their outbound marketing efforts. Marketers should begin measuring multicampaign attribution now, before it becomes a corporate mandate.

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