Trends Report

A Look At The Year Ahead: eBusiness Will Be Crucial To Health Insurers

2009 Will Be A Time Of Uncertainty And Transition In The Healthcare Industry

January 22nd, 2009
Carlton Doty, null
Carlton Doty
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Kate van Geldern


A recession is hitting US consumers hard as the financial crisis continues to send ripples across US and global economies. Most US industries are feeling the effects —banks, retailers, auto firms, and even the healthcare industry, which is typically believed to be recession-proof. Forrester recently surveyed more than 2,000 US consumers to gauge their attitudes about the economy and the role of healthcare in their long-term financial stability. This document uncovers Forrester's findings and explores the likely response on the healthcare crisis from the US government in 2009. As budgets shrink in the coming year and the industry comes under increased scrutiny, eBusiness leaders must recognize that the Web will play a business-critical role now more than ever before.

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