Trends Report

A New Role Is Emerging Within IT: Database Security Analyst (DSA)

April 4th, 2008
With contributors:
Jonathan Penn , Catherine Salzinger


As enterprises take stronger measures around database security to meet compliance requirements and defend against attacks, the need for security support and administration becomes critical. But who must now assume responsibility for managing these database security implementations? The database administrator (DBA) is already too busy maintaining and optimizing various enterprise databases, while the information security group staff members are not experts in database security technologies. In addition, auditors and regulatory compliances are pressuring enterprises to focus more on role separation and to monitor privileged users. The skills needed to manage database security include a solid understanding of databases, security implementations, compliances, and application design, along with the ability to communicate fluently with business owners. This role does not currently exist in most organizations, and it might be difficult to fill because of its cross-disciplinary requirements. Faced with an essential need and challenging role requirements, IT security organizations should get ready to staff the database security analyst (DSA) position.

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