Trends Report

A Radical Rethink Of Data Architecture For Customer Engagement

Effective Customer Engagement Requires Rapid Change And A New World Of Data

July 17th, 2014
Randy Heffner, null
Randy Heffner
With contributors:
Mike Gualtieri , Boris Evelson , Michele Goetz , Brian Hopkins , Srividya Sridharan , Noel Yuhanna , Fatemeh Khatibloo , Holger Kisker, Ph.D. , Henry Peyret , Eric Wheeler


A prerequisite to winning in the age of the customer is a deep and almost uncanny knowledge of customers and prospects. "Customer data" used to mean the data in customer relationship management (CRM) and other applications. Now it has expanded well beyond that to mean any data about customers, their communities, their environment, the products they use, the services they require, and the goals they pursue. To address this new and necessary vision, application developers, solution architects, and business intelligence professionals must collaborate with businesspeople to rethink and rearchitect the sources of customer data, the processes and techniques for deriving customer insight, and the ways that customer insight will be delivered across the customer journey. This report shows you how.

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