Trends Report

AD&D's Five Roles In Successful Website Globalization And Localization

Technology Globalization Strategies Go Far Beyond Mere Translation

February 13th, 2014
Mark Grannan, null
Mark Grannan
Anjali Yakkundi, null
Anjali Yakkundi
With contributors:
Stephen Powers , Steven Kesler , David Aponovich


Organizations are chasing new revenue streams. In many cases, that means geographic expansion via organic or inorganic growth, requiring marketing and eBusiness teams to port content to new regions and languages or adapt and unify multiple local content strategies into a single global strategy. Interpreting this purely as a need for translation is dangerous. Application development and delivery (AD&D) teams will need to help lay a granular foundation with a content strategy that they can support at the technology and delivery layers. Once organizations have laid that foundation, they must localize web content based on factors like channel, language, culture, and currency. AD&D pros need to understand their role within globalization/localization projects to ensure the success of the initiative and provide the flexibility to effectively handle the next language or region.

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