Trends Report

Accelerate Your Software License Optimization Program By Using Specialist Services Providers

Use Experts' Tools, Processes, And People To Replace Failing SAM

October 9th, 2012
Duncan Jones, null
Duncan Jones
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Mark Bartrick , Ben Jennings , Stephen Mann


If you've recently had a bad software audit experience, are worried about license compliance, or want to cut wasteful software expenditure, you may need to replace traditional, but obsolete, software asset management (SAM) with modern software license optimization (SLO). SLO focuses on preventing liabilities instead of tracking assets and manages today's flexible provisioning rather than relying on SAM's outdated procure, deploy, record model. Sourcing professionals who are trying to implement SLO as part of their transition to strategic software sourcing often struggle through a lack of internal expertise, tools, and people. Judicious use of managed services providers can be part of the solution, yet navigating the diverse landscape of services and providers can be difficult for the uninformed buyer. This report will help you decide which types of SLO services would be most beneficial to your firm, and from whom to obtain them.

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