Trends Report

Accelerating Sales Team Learning And Development

Support Sales Success With Forrester's Valuable Sales Training Architecture

April 21st, 2011
Brian Lambert, null
Brian Lambert
With contributors:
Daniel Feldman , Bradford Holmes , Scott Santucci


The combination of your expanding portfolio and changes in who within your customer's organization is involved in solving problems with your technology capabilities — and what they need to hear from sellers to make a buying decision — has created complexity on both sides of the sales conversation. To thrive, sellers must learn new behaviors that enable them to navigate and win in this changed selling environment. Companies must architect sales training initiatives to support the acquisition of these new behaviors so sellers can drive more valuable sales conversations. Unfortunately, sales training initiatives today don't create a lasting impact because they are not engineered to help sellers prioritize their actions, adapt to change, or drive sales results. Sales enablement (SE) professionals can use Forrester's valuable sales training architecture to create initiatives that deliver long-lasting behavior change and add value to the business.

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