Best Practice Report

Align Application Rationalization Metrics To Your Objectives And Drivers

October 22nd, 2013
Henry Peyret, null
Henry Peyret
Alex Cullen, null
Alex Cullen
With contributors:
Gene Leganza , Abigail Komlenic


Enterprises start application rationalization initiatives, but after the low-hanging fruit of little used business applications, they find it a struggle to progress. There are many root causes underlying this challenge — from determining what the target should be and overcoming business objections to acquiring sustained funding. Exacerbating this challenge is a lack of metrics that show progress and value and maintain executive interest. The metrics you should choose for your application rationalization program should reflect a balance of business concerns that, when taken together, guide business decision-making. This report, the fourth in a series on application rationalization, describes how to identify the metrics that matter.

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