Trends Report

Align Your B2B Community Marketing With Your Customers' Life Cycle

How, Why, And When Your Buyers Tap Into Communities

April 22nd, 2013
Kim Celestre, null
Kim Celestre
With contributors:
David Truog , Sarah Takvorian , Andia Vokshi


Communities provide the interactions and content that buyers seek when they want to discover, explore, and engage with a brand. But business-to-business (B2B) marketers often hesitate to interact with community members. One wrong move from a marketer and community members cry foul or even worse — "spam!" This report examines data from Forrester's 2013 community marketing survey to provide you with insight about how your buyers participate in communities at each stage of the life cycle. It also describes how Forrester's RaDaR marketing model helps you prioritize the interactions and knowledge assets you should create to drive positive business outcomes for community members.

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