Trends Report

Analyze What Your Social Business And Collaboration Stakeholders Really Need

January 13th, 2015
Philipp Karcher, null
Philipp Karcher
With contributors:
Stephen Powers , Danielle Jessee


Too often, firms launch social business and collaboration programs without a clear understanding of what key stakeholders, including business sponsors and especially employees, want. The result is tepid adoption at best and stalled programs at worst. To overcome this problem, the collaboration leadership team must first gather intelligence on four employee adoption barriers: technological, motivational, behavioral, and cultural. Read this report to learn about intelligence gathering techniques that work: interviews, focus groups, and employee surveys. We also include a simple employee segmentation based on mobility and collaboration to kick-start the analysis. This report was originally published on August 24, 2012; Forrester reviews and updates it periodically for continued relevance and accuracy, most recently in January 2015.

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