Trends Report

Assess Your Service Management And Automation Maturity

June 5th, 2012
Eveline Oehrlich, null
Eveline Oehrlich
Jean-Pierre Garbani, null
Jean-Pierre Garbani
John Rakowski, null
John Rakowski
Stephen Mann, null
Stephen Mann
With contributors:
Doug Washburn , Lindsey Kempton


This report introduces Forrester's solution for IT infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders to assess the maturity of their service management and automation (SMA) program. This is important, because I&O leaders can't accurately plan, improve, or prioritize their SMA investments without a strong understanding of their current state, desired state, and the gaps in between. To help, Forrester has created a comprehensive framework, using the COBIT maturity level definitions, to assess 27 SMA functions from an oversight, people, process, and technology perspective. In particular, this report articulates the value of an SMA maturity assessment and introduces Forrester's SMA maturity assessment framework for readers to download and perform themselves.

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