Trends Report

B2B Digital Marketing: A Global Deep Dive Into Local Decision-Makers

Map Local Marketing Mix To How Buyers Inform Purchase Decisions

July 6th, 2009
Jennifer Belissent, PhD, null
Jennifer Belissent, PhD
With contributors:
Peter Burris , Zachary Reiss-Davis


Expanding into new markets requires tech marketers to sharpen local marketing strategies. Buyers in emerging markets, shaped by distinct cultures, languages, and channels, buy according to local business criteria and information sources. Buyers gather information individually, collaboratively, and, increasingly, virtually — from peers to print ads or from vendor sales collateral to virtual events. Tech marketers are tasked with allocating the marketing budget across this complex matrix of audiences and tools — dealing not only with new audiences but also with increasingly influential social media tools. Forrester's Global Technology Adoption Survey, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, And Africa, Q1 2009, provides insight into how IT decision-makers inform their technology purchases — and measures which tools resonate best across markets. Effective tech marketers understand local buyers' behaviors and localize their marketing mix to best reach their new audiences.

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