Trends Report

B2B Inside Sales: "Inside Or Out?" — That Is The Question

Why More B2B Companies Are Outsourcing Early-Stage Selling Activities

January 6th, 2016
Mary Shea, PhD, null
Mary Shea, PhD
With contributors:
Peter O'Neill , Shanta Samlal-Fadelle , Jacob Milender , Kara Hartig


As business-to-business (B2B) companies better align the buyer's and seller's journey, inside sales teams will play a more prominent role in the buyer's engagement process while simultaneously enabling more profitable sales for their firms. As demand increases for these less expensive and agile resources a wide range of service providers are positioned to supplement the inside sales function. This report looks at when and why to consider an outsourced partnership, highlights top players in the space and identifies best practices for maximizing program results.

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